Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wonderful Lavender, Where have you been my whole life?

Last night was rough.  

This past spring we moved into a new home while still trying to sell our old home.  Our old home is still for sale today.  It has been four months of making two house payments.  Paying two sets of utility payments.  Caring for two yards.  The list goes on and on.  Thank heavens my husband has a wonderful job and we have had enough saved up that this hasn't bankrupted us, but nonetheless, it is becoming more stressful everyday.  No one likes to see their bank account decline so rapidly.

So as my husband and I lay in bed last night we were discussing our plan about what we should do about our old home.  We have someone interested in renting it, but renters can do a lot of damage.  Plus we would really like to get the equity out of that home to restock our savings account.  This discussion turns to issues my husband is facing at work.  

My husband works in sales.  There is a never ending battle of what accounts could be more profitable.  There are various challenges that my husband faces right now in his company that is causing major stress.  By 1 AM my husband was back out of bed and on his computer working.  I couldn't sleep either at this point.  By 3 AM my husband came back to bed.  The conversation continued, but turned more to how grateful we are for one another.  We are on this journey together.  We are each others number one cheerleader.  The support we give and get from each other is always there.  I have to brag a bit about my marriage.  Just a little side note.  There are not many marriages out there like mine.  I truly am married to someone that I completely click with.  We are perfectly suited for each other.  It makes these difficult nights more bearable.  

So you might wonder why the title of this post is about lavender.  Well here is the reason.  Have you ever had one of those nights where you are completely wound up and just can't settle down?  Well as you can imagine from what I have explained, last night was that for myself and my husband.  I pulled out our lavender, rubbed some on both our feet, the back of our necks and just under our noses.  I laid there in bed and listened as my wonderful husband was finally able to relax and fall asleep.  I too fell asleep more relaxed.  And the best part was this morning when I had to get up to get my kids ready for school.  I was tired, but I wasn't groggy.  I was completely able to function.  No after effect of using the lavender like you would get if you tried using a sleep aid.  It was wonderful!  I didn't even go back to bed after my kids were off to school.  So lavender, you are a wonderful addition to our family!  Thank you!

The First Lunch/Meeting

Last week I hosted my first in home business opportunity luncheon.  I had invited 36 people and I ended up with 7 coming.  More than I expected to be completely honest.  I had decided to reach out to the women in my neighborhood.  Rip the bandaid off so to speak.  I wanted a quick way to tell them all what I am doing with Améo essential oils and why I am doing it.  I felt this was going to be much faster and a more effective way than calling each of these individuals separately.

To be completely frank, I was scared to death of this luncheon.  These are my peers.  People I see on a regular basis.  My concerns and fears were "What if they think I'm stupid for doing this?", "What are they going to think of me?"  I quickly turned to a book I've been reading entitled Building An Empire by Brian Carruthers.  I read this book to give me reassurance that what I am doing is better!  A typical mantra for network marketers is, It's not easy, it's just better.

I let go of these fears and instead got myself excited about the prospect of sharing this awesome opportunity with everyone.  I truly would love to see the people around me have success!  I want to see people live their dreams.  I want to help people see their potential.

So out of my luncheon I had 2 people who are interested in the opportunity.  Others are interested in the oils once they become available.  This was amazing!  The momentum from that single lunch has stoked the fire within me to know that I can do this.  My goals are attainable.  There is success to be had by those who put forth effort.

It's not easy, it's just better!

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Start of Something Big

We are getting so close to the launch of this amazing new division of Zija International.  I am so excited that soon I will be able to use the amazing Améo essential oils on a more regular basis!  
As this venture into a network marketing career takes off, I plan to share my experiences here.  Whether it be about the business or the fabulous oils that are going to change the oil industry.  Améo is thankful for the business that have come before and have brought essential oils into mainstream America.  They are amazing companies.  However, the products that Améo is going to offer will surpass anything on the market today.

September 25-27 is the Zija International Summit conference in Salt Lake City.  I am excited to be able to attend and see all that Améo has in store.  

If you come across this blog and have questions about Améo essential oils and/or the business don't hesitate to leave a comment or check out our Facebook page Essential Leaders.